In this Test Lab we had some help from Bones Wheels, they devised a super high tech way to test the percentage of material lost when draging wheels....more commonly known as flatspotting. They wouldn't release the secret machine used to flatspot these wheels but I'm guessing it involves a skateboard, some rocks, a lot of pavement, and a rope. What I am sure of is that they used the same methods for ALL wheels tested.
Most wheel companies have at least two different performance levels for wheels a regular and a high tech level that is longer lasting, grippier, or faster. So much more info on wheel construction soon. It would take up too much room to explain here.
The reason bones tested Best: "All BONES WHEELS (6) unique formulas are solely developed and produced in our own manufacturing plant located in Santa Barbara, CA. Using drastically different physical and engineering properties for each formula, BONES creates unique urethanes for specific applications of skateboarding." More at bones.com
CONCLUSION: Tests show that Bones Wheels were the most resistant against flatspotting against all other brands tested. The % of material lost was significantly less than all competetors. All Wheels Tested are available at Eastern Boarder stores. SK8NERD:1111.20008 |
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